July and August of 1846, the United States Navy seized Monterey and Los Angeles
California. In September 1846, Taylor's army fought General Ampudia's forces
for control of the northern Mexican city of Monterey in a three-day battle.
Following the capture of the city by the Americans, there was a temporary truce
which enabled both armies to recover. During this time, former President Santa
Anna returned to Mexico from exile and raised a new army of over 20,000 men.
Despite defeat in several major battles, the Mexican government refused to make
became apparent to the Americans that only a complete battlefield victory would
end the war. Continued fighting in the dry deserts of northern Mexico convinced
the United States that an overland expedition to capture the enemy capitol at
Mexico City, would be hazardous and difficult. Because of this General Winfield
Scott proposed what would become the largest amphibious landing in history to that
time, which included a campaign to seize Mexico City. In March 1847, General
Scott landed with an army of 12,000 men on the beaches near Vera Cruz, Mexico.
From this point, from March to August, Scott and Santa Anna fought a series of
battles from the coast inland toward Mexico City. The more important battles
include the Battles of : Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Churubusco, Molino del Rey and
Chapultepec. Finally, in September, the Americans entered Mexico City. There
was some resistance but by mid-October, the U.S. had full control.
the city's occupation, Santa Anna resigned the presidency but retained command
of his army. He attempted to continue military operations against the
Americans, but his troops, refused to fight. His government soon asked for his
military resignation. On February 2, 1848, The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was
signed. The treaty called for the annexation of the northern portions of Mexico
to the United States. In return, the U.S. agreed to pay $15 million to Mexico
as compensation for the seized territory. This ended the Mexican War.
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