The movie Gettysburg
and the Longstreet memoir are very similar in most respects. There are some
minor differences, but overall the movie and the primary resource about the
battle action match well. In the beginning of the movie, the scout Harrison
reports on the location of the Federal Army, directly to General Longstreet who
passes the information to Lee. In the book Harrison attempts to see Lee first
and Lee refuses, but the information Harrison provides is deemed accurate
because the positions of the Federal forces are the same as Longstreet’s
assumptions. The movie portrays Harrison as the source of the information.
Longstreet’s book assumes that he and Harrison knew the same thing. Minor
again, but Longstreet in his retrospect probably didn’t want to admit that the
scout knew more than he.
The movie does a good job of portraying Buford’s
gallant holding action on the first day of the battle. At the end of the day,
of course the Federals retreated to the strong position atop Cemetery Ridge.
Longstreet describes Lee’s failure to pursue as a lack of information about the
enemy strength—mainly due to the absence of his Cavalry under Stuart. In the book Longstreet arrives as Lee is
studying the scene—the Federals rallying and establishing their position on the
high ground. Longstreet recollects that
this is where he encourages Lee to “…file around his left and secure good
ground between him and the capital.” According to the memoir Lee impatiently
replies that “If he is there to-morrow I will attack him.” Longstreet’s response is “If he is there
to-morrow it will be because he wants you to attack.” He also encouraged Lee to
attack the heights now, while he had the enemy outnumbered. Lee left that to
the discretion of the commander on the field who neglected to do so. In the
movie the scene plays out pretty much the same way. Lee asks Longstreet “How
can we retreat in the face of the enemy General?” Longstreet’s response—“Not
retreat General—re-deploy.” sums up the recommendations made by Longstreet
fairly well. The movie does not depict Longstreet urging Lee to attack now
however. In the movie this is done by Lee before Longstreet arrives on the
On the second day In Longstreet’s memoirs, General
Hood appeals twice to Longstreet to allow him to work around the enemy’s left
flank. Longstreet response is no, because the idea had already been proposed to
Lee and was disapproved. Longstreet comments that if Lee had seen the lay of
the land himself, he would have probably agreed. In the movie there is a
discussion between Hood and Longstreet as illustrated in the book, this
discussions contains more detail but seems the natural interaction that would
occur under the circumstances. In the movie Hood says “…I do this under
protest” knowing that his force will be decimated. In the movie there is a meeting between Lee
and Longstreet at the end of the second day where Longstreet again urges Lee to
go around the Federal left flank. There is no mention of this in the book.
In the movie the third and final day starts with Lee
and Longstreet discussing the battle plan. Lee orders Longstreet to take the
heights in the center and split the Federal line. Longstreet exclaims “They are
well entrenched up there and they aim to fight—they got good artillery and
plenty of it.” After Longstreet tries to
convince Lee not to attempt the attack, Lee’s simple response is, “in the
center, they will break.” “Retreat is no longer an option.” “The weak point is
in the center…he is vulnerable in the middle.” “We will prevail.” Lee gives the
point of attack as the clump of trees in the center of the line. Longstreet
pleads again. “This attack will fail…no fifteen thousand men made can take that
ridge…they have the stone wall like we did at Fredericksburg.” Lee simply
responds “We do our duty sir.” In the
movie Longstreet recommends that General Hill should be the one to lead the
attack. “There is no one I trust more
[than Longstreet]” This is Longstreet’s final plea to reconsider the attack as
shown in the movie.
In the memoir there is some confusion
between Lee and Longstreet as to when the orders were given—that morning, or
the night before. Longstreet’s version matches that as portrayed in the movie.
In the memoir Longstreet gives his reasons for not believing in the attack.
“The point had been fully tested the day before…the column would have to march
a mile under…fire.” As in the movie, in his memoir Longstreet said “…no fifteen
thousand men who could successfully assault over that field have ever been
arrayed for battle.” In the memoir Longstreet also writes of the recommendation
for Hill to lead the attack, “ He knew that I did not believe success was
possible…and he should have put an officer in charge who had more confidence in
his plan.”
In the movie Longstreet forcefully gives his orders
to his three commanders, and at the end says “Gentlemen I do believe the attack
today will decide the fate of our country. All the men who died in the past are
with you here today.” There is no direct
mention of this in the memoir but the book description of Longstreet’s giving the final attack order to
Pickett matches the movie interpretation. “Pickett said ‘General shall I
advance?’ The effort to speak the order failed, and I could only indicate it by
an affirmative bow.”
Once the commanders depart, Longstreet’s true
feelings about the attack come out when Harrison approaches him about joining
the attack. “Enemy long range fire will hit the men with more than a mile to
walk, then they will come in range of musket, the formation will come apart,
then canister fire wiping holes in the lines, there won’t be many left when the
reach the wall. We will suffer over 50% casualties…I don’t believe my boys will
reach that wall.” This of course is purely fictional but sums up well
Longstreet’s feelings about the suicide attack called Pickett’s Charge—and sums
up the position against the attack that he describes in detail in the last part
of the chapter about the third day.
In the movie, after the attack has failed, that
night Lee and Longstreet are mourning the loss of the battle by a campfire Lee
exclaims, “What else can we do but go on you and I? We must fight with them.”
No such discussion is described in the book, but again, the movie intends this
scene to display the feelings that the Generals had towards each other and
towards their men.
The movie Gettysburg,
and the Longstreet memoir are not an exact match but they are close. While any
movie requires a certain amount of melodrama to be successful, this movie uses
that melodrama to tell the story of the events leading up to the battle as well
as the stories behind the men who fought it. While the Longstreet memoir is
matter-of-factly written, often without emotion, the true emotions of the
soldiers is well portrayed in the movie. The movie Gettysburg brings the battle to life. The Longstreet memoir gives
it credibility.
to the question of which is more historically accurate, it is hard to say.
While the Longstreet memoir uses its own primary resources-- these where
resources selected by the author, who was trying to defend himself against
history. The memoir is somewhat tainted towards Longstreet’s own defense. Still
though, a primary resource, even one written years later by the participant is
a solid source. I would imagine that the movie used the Longstreet memoir for
much of the script on the Southern side—and many other sources as well. The
bottom line as to which is more historically accurate—for the historian, the
Longstreet work, for the Civil War enthusiast—the movie.
This is a repost of a post we had up several months ago. It was very popular so I am reposting for new folks.