Taking some sort of action
would soon gain a higher priority as Grant’s forces surrounded and laid siege
to Vicksburg. Now the task was to force
Grant to lift the siege, and Jefferson Davis in contrast to Lee, again favored
dispatching eastern Confederate troops to the west. The Confederate cabinet
though, rallied in Lee’s favor, selling Davis, and the invasion of Pennsylvania
became the decided strategy. The invasion they agreed would accomplish several
things contributing to the Confederate strategy. Once in the north, they felt
that the Federals would need to weaken the western armies to bolster the
defending force—Davis’s primary concern, and that any victory achieved in enemy
territory would have significant impact on the enemy’s morale and political
situation. Coddington sums up the situation well through the quote of a member
of Lee’s staff who wrote; “So, if General Lee remained inactive [as he most
certainly would have to do if large numbers of his force were sent west], both
Vicksburg and Richmond would be imperiled, whereas if he were successful north
of the Potomac, both would be saved.”
In addition a Confederate
invasion would thwart the Union plans for continued campaigning in already
ravished Virginia, because the Union Army would be forced to pursue the
invaders. At the same time, the invading army could clear the Shenandoah Valley
of the bothersome Federals who were threatening one of the key lifelines of the
Confederate Army. Lee also hoped the taking the war to the north would give
Virginia a chance to harvest crops, and strengthen its supply capability. At
the same time, Lee knew that there were great-untapped resources available to
the Confederacy in the enemy’s territory. Finally, if Lee were to win a major
victory against the Army of the Potomac in enemy territory, this would
strengthen the campaigning of the northern Peace Democrats and it might force
Lincoln into negotiating a peace that would result in southern independence.
In preparation for the
invasion, Lee made some significant changes to the structure of his army. The
army consisted of two corps commanded by Jackson and Longstreet. Now, with
Jackson gone—shot by his own men in a tragic accident at Chancellorsville, Lee
decided to break his army into three corps. This would create three smaller
corps that could be easier to control and to maneuver. The corps commanders
were Longstreet, Ewell and A.P. Hill who commanded the new 3rd Corps.
This widening of command brought many new officers into the sphere of
responsibility. These officers, although handpicked with the help of Jefferson
Davis, would handle these new responsibilities with mixed results.
Lee also shook things up in
his artillery. In the past, there was a policy of attaching artillery batteries
to only certain brigades. This caused problems because most infantry commanders
did not use the batteries effectively. Lee took the artillery from each corps
and divided it into battalions of four batteries each. He then assigned these new gun battalions to
each division, under the orders of the division commander. This put the
artillery into a larger strategic picture and allowed the division commanders
to employ their firepower to the highest advantage. In addition, there would no
longer be a large pool of guns under Lee’s own command. The key to the process
now was the chief of artillery of each corps who acting under orders of the
corps commander directed the efforts of the five gun battalions in the
corps—along with the division commanders.
cavalry, under General J.E.B. Stuart would also undergo some changes to bolster
its strength. This consisted of the addition of General W.E. Jones’s cavalry
brigade that was campaigning in the Shenandoah Valley, and two regiments of
cavalry that were campaigning in North Carolina. This all resulted in the
addition of three brigades and some improvement in equipment. Stuart’s Cavalry
was now at about double its former strength.
Confederates that began the invasion were reorganized, strengthened and
confident. They had been victorious in recent battles and considered themselves
almost invincible under their beloved commander. All indications were that
their beloved commander felt the same way about the invincibility of his army.
This, feeling of invincibility bred overconfidence in the Army of Northern
Virginia. This overconfidence would be severely tested as the forces converged
with the formidable Union force at Gettysburg.
After General
Hooker replaced Burnside after Fredericksburg, he immediately made changes to
strengthen the Army of the Potomac. His ability to administrate changes to
improve the army rivaled the popular McClellan—relieved for his reluctance to
damage his well-oiled machine in a real fight. Among other things, Hooker
improved the diet and the discipline of his force, making sure that the men
where well cared for, and scared to death if they should straggle or desert.
Hooker also made
changes in the structure of the army. He immediately did away with the “grand
divisions” created by Burnside, and reformed his force into the standard corps
structure with seven corps commanders reporting directly to Hooker. Hooker also
reorganized the cavalry into one corps instead of several separate divisions.
He also shuffled his leaders to place those he considered the most capable into
the key positions. The Army of the Potomac, before Chancellorsville, was at its
peak condition and strength thanks to Hooker’s abilities as an administrator.
Nevertheless, like
McClellan before him, Hooker excelled in preparation, but lacked in
implementation. Hooker was simply “out-generaled” at Chancellorsville, where
Lee’s numerically inferior force beat Hooker’s superior force soundly. Hooker,
according to Coddington simply lost his nerve when he met the stiff resistance
of Robert E. Lee’s Confederates (Coddington p. 33). Hooker and his army
retreated across the Rappahannock, considering their next move, as Lee met with
Davis to do the same.
The loss at
Chancellorsville severely damaged Hooker's credibility. Corps commanders and
junior officers alike lobbied to remove Hooker from command. At the same time,
Hooker’s army was shrinking as the enlistment terms of many of his regiments
expired. The strength of the army dropped 20 % in the months after
Chancellorsville. All this, and the loss of over 17,000 men at Chancellorsville
added to the concerns of the North.
In the lull
between Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, there where many concerns in the
Federal army—most centering on its commander. The force itself had shrunk, but
the army was still capable and full of experienced veterans. Unsure of what to
do, and what Lee would do, the Army of the Potomac considered the offense—while
ultimately adopting the defense. In the end, the Union Army that moved towards
Gettysburg was still numerically superior to the Confederate Army.
Clinging to
command, one of the smart things that Hooker did during this time was to
reorganize his artillery, and put it under the command of the capable General
Hunt. The artillery batteries were assigned to the various corps, in their own
brigades, under the direction of an artilleryman. These brigades were
distributed to give each infantry corps one brigade, and the cavalry corps two
brigades. There were also five brigades placed in the reserve. This process
centralized the command of the artillery, making it comparable in command
effectiveness to the reorganized Confederate artillery discussed earlier. This
would be very important in the month ahead.
There was much
movement of the armies during June. On June 9, the Union cavalry corps under
General Pleasonton launched a surprise attack on J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry at
Brandy Station Virginia. After an all-day fight in which fortunes changed
repeatedly, the Federals retired. Brandy Station, the largest cavalry battle of
the war and the opening engagement of the Gettysburg Campaign, was significant.
Although Stuart claimed victory, the Union cavalry had surprised his force.
This was a humbling blemish on Stuart’s reputation. A Union cavalry force that
he should have beaten easily according to Stuart’s legend had fought him almost
evenly. This engagement would bolster the confidence of Northern cavalry and
was a surprise to people both north and south.
There were some
smaller engagements fought as the armies drifted north. These were primarily a
result of the Federal search for the Confederate force. These include actions
at Winchester Virginia on June 13 and 14, and cavalry action at Aldie Virginia
on 17 June. These and other incidents of
contact between the armies resembled a game of cat and mouse. The South in
particular traveled blindly, since Lee’s main source of intelligence, Stuart’s
Cavalry, was off gallivanting behind enemy lines. There is some discussion
about whom to blame for this, since Lee’s orders to Stuart were somewhat vague
and left open to interpretive initiative. Nevertheless, as Lee traveled north,
he was generally unaware that the federal army was close behind.
Although the
Federals were tracking the Confederates north, there was still much concern
about the Federal leader. Hooker was not the general to beat Lee. This point
would become moot as Hooker rendered his resignation in symbolic opposition to
some troop assignments dictated by his superiors as the Gettysburg campaign
began. The relieved Lincoln accepted the resignation from the surprised Hooker,
laying the groundwork for the assignment of General George Meade as the army’s
new commander. Meade was not the best general in the army. Meade was not even
the best general in the east. Nevertheless, Meade was the best general that was
willing to take on the challenge, and he would prove to be capable of handling
it. Meade took over the Army of the Potomac on 28 June, just three days before
the confrontation.
Reports about
enemy movements increased on both sides, with the north having a slight
advantage due to Stuart’s continued absence. Meade ordered his army towards
Gettysburg based on received intelligence. The armies regardless of the amount
of intelligence they received seemed to be on a collision course, although no
one knew definitively that Gettysburg would be the location for the great
battle. Though not planned, the ultimate
meeting of two small forces early on the morning of July 1 would prove to be
the spark that quickly grew into a great fire.
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